A Simple Guide to Creating Video Landing Pages That Convert

February 10, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

If you’re a marketer in 2024, you cannot ignore the opportunities video has to offer! As of last year, the average person is believed to spend over 100 minutes each day watching videos online. The online marketing landscape is fast-growing and competitive – in fact, 86% of marketing professionals are already using video landing pages as part of their strategy.

So, it’s no surprise that incorporating video into your landing pages can bring you more traffic, and in return, more sales. According to Hubspot, using video in the hero section of your landing page can increase conversions by up to 86%!

Image source: Shopify

Choosing the right video for your landing page

When it comes to choosing a fitting video for your landing page, it all depends on your goal.

Your video landing page must always have a goal. Let’s assume you have created an online course about digital marketing, and your goal is to create an email list. A great way to collect leads is to offer a free ebook about digital marketing and ask for an email address in return. This is a classic lead capture (or squeeze) page. For lead capture pages, you’re better off using promotional videos. Promo videos serve as a ‘teaser’ – their purpose is to show a glimpse of your offer and grab your audience’s attention. Now, they’ll want to learn more.

Advertising platform Outbrain uses this type of video on their page. If you click on ‘Play’, you will see a quick promo video that resembles a TV commercial. It briefly introduces what the company does.

What if your goal is to directly sell a product? A demo video would work well here. This is essentially a short video that demonstrates how a product works. These videos are usually designed to showcase the key features and benefits of a product, and to show viewers how easy it is to use.

AI writing tool Headlime uses this type of video – in under 1 minute, they show you what the tool does by highlighting its key benefits.



Testimonial videos can be a good alternative to demo videos. They may feature one or several happy customers who will discuss what they love about the product and how it has helped them.

These are the most common combinations you will most likely need to use. What if you have a different goal or offer that doesn’t exactly fit within these two categories? As long as you match the goal of your page with your video, you will be okay. For example, if your goal is to promote a new vacancy, a short video about your company and team would work.


5 tips on video quality 

You do not necessarily need a huge budget to create and edit an effective video. Here are some simple tips you need to take into consideration as far as video quality is concerned:

  1. Make sure your video is high-definition: most online videos these days are HD. The good news is that a lot of smartphones have the option to film in HD. Don’t worry too much about the technical side and the amount of pixels – as long as the image is clear and the colors look good, it works.

  2. The sound should be clear: this is a no-brainer, but viewers need to be able to hear the video sound clearly. There are a lot of affordable microphones you can use to improve the sound quality, and video editing tools such as iMovie allow you to edit elements like background noise for free.

  3. Keep it short: ideally, a landing page video should be 60 seconds or less. According to Vidyard’s stats, 62% of viewers will watch a video until the end if it’s shorter than 60 seconds.

  4. Choose a thumbnail that draws attention: find the most interesting part of the video and use that as your thumbnail. This will make more people want to click on it.

  5. The video should tell a story that is in line with your lander’s core value proposition: the video should be scripted and directed in a way that it clearly reflects your value proposition. If you want to showcase that your client’s new vitamin pills will lead to higher levels of energy, the entire video needs to be about this specific benefit. Razor-sharp focus will always bring you better results.

A few extra tips would be to consider the load time when deciding to use video on your page. Viewers tend to get impatient when videos take a long time to load, so make sure you test your page upfront on as many devices as you can.

Also, you may want to steer clear from autoplay. This can easily become irritating for your viewers. Allow them the option to click ‘play’ – if you’ve followed all the above tips, chances are they will.


Work on your copy 

Just because you’re adding a video to your landing page, does not mean that you should avoid the other key elements of a high converting page. We have an entire article about it Create a High Converting Landing Page, but a key takeaway is that you will still need to spend some time on your landing page copy.

Make sure your page has an attention-grabbing headline and a call-to-action button. The body text should also pair well with the video and add more value to it.

Wistia is a good example of a fully optimized page – the headline is straight-to-the-point, the subheadline further elaborates the value proposition, and the call-to-action (Explore plans) is creative and specific to the page.

Video landing page tool

Most landing page tools out there allow you to add videos to your page. You can easily do this on LanderLab and use one of the templates provided.


Being a successful marketer in 2024 means you will need to leverage the power of video. Adding video to your landing pages can significantly improve their performance, and you can easily do this by using a landing page builder tool.

Whether you create the videos yourself, hire a team to do it, or request one from the company you are promoting, you’ll still need to master the basics of video in order to know how to use it for optimal results.

Create your first video landing page now with LanderLab!