How to Use Social Proof to Increase Landing Page Conversions

August 9, 2024

Anxhela Tomani

Anxhela Tomani


One of the most important elements of any website or landing page is social proof.

In this post, we will look at the many sorts of social proof—testimonials, reviews, and case studies—and offer actionable advice on how to use them effectively.

The Importance of Testimonials on Landing Pages

Testimonials are an important component in building trust on your landing page. They serve as testimonials from actual customers who had a great experience with your product or service. Here’s why they’re important:

-Build Trust: Testimonials are proof that others have benefited from your product. They allow visitors to see that your promises are supported by actual customer experiences, which helps to develop confidence almost immediately.

-Address concerns: A well-placed testimonial can immediately answer typical worries or objections that potential buyers may raise. For example, if buyers frequently express concern about ease of use, a testimonial praising your product’s simplicity might be quite encouraging.

-Humanize Your Brand: Testimonials provide a human element to your landing page. When visitors see actual individuals praising your product, your business becomes more approachable and trustworthy.

Types of Social Proof

1. Testimonials
2. Reviews
3. Case Studies
4. User-Generated Content
5. Expert Endorsements
6. Social Media Mentions
7. Client Logos and User Counts

1) LanderLab’s Pre-Built Testimonial Sections

With LanderLab, you don’t have to start from scratch when integrating testimonials into your landing pages. LanderLab offers pre-built, ready-to-use testimonial sections that you can easily drag and drop into your design. These sections are crafted to highlight your customer stories effectively, boosting credibility and encouraging conversions.

Why It Works:

-Ease of Use: The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to quickly add testimonials to any part of your landing page without needing coding skills.
-Customization: While pre-built, these sections are fully customizable, allowing you to match them with your brand’s aesthetic and messaging.
-Optimized Design: Each testimonial section is designed with conversion in mind, ensuring that your customer feedback is presented in the most compelling way possible.

How to Use Them:

  • Drag-and-drop: Simply drag and drop the testimonial section into your landing page design where you want it to appear.
  • Personalization: Add real customer testimonials, including their photos, names, and any other relevant details to personalize the section.

Here is a quick preview of how it looks like from Landerlab’s editor:

Landerlab editor

2. Reviews

Definition: Reviews are detailed descriptions and ratings of your product or service that can be accessed on third-party platforms or directly on your website.

Why Do They Work? Reviews provide unbiased, peer-to-peer evaluations that can dramatically affect purchasing decisions. A large number of favorable reviews might help boost your search engine position.

How to Use them Effectively:

– Aggregate Ratings: Show aggregate ratings (e.g., stars) at the top of your landing page.
– thorough Reviews: Include a section for thorough reviews so that clients may learn more about other people’s experiences.
– Third-Party Validation: Emphasize reviews from credible third-party platforms such as Google, Yelp, and industry-specific websites.

Example: Amazon leverages user reviews extensively, with star ratings and detailed customer feedback prominently displayed on every product page. image

3. Case studies

Case studies are in-depth evaluations of how your product or service helped a specific customer achieve their objectives.

Why Do They Work? Case studies are thorough, data-driven narratives that show the tangible benefits of your business. They are especially useful in B2B organizations where decision-makers require tangible proof of ROI.

How to Use them Effectively:

– framework: Use a clear framework to introduce the client, outline the difficulty, explain the solution, and emphasize the results.
– Visuals: Use charts, graphs, and graphics to highlight important aspects and make the case study more compelling.
– Specificity: Include client-provided measurements and quotes to increase trust.

For example, Zendesk’s case studies section demonstrates how their customer service software has benefited businesses in a variety of industries.

Each case study includes deep insights into the client’s difficulties, Zendesk’s solution, and measurable outcomes, such as increased customer satisfaction or shorter response times. This organized approach, along with customer quotations and visual data, makes Zendesk’s case studies an effective tool for establishing confidence with prospective customers.

zendesk imageImage source Zendesk 

4. User-generated content

Definition: User-generated content (UGC) is any content—text, videos, photographs, or reviews—created by individuals rather than brands.

Why They Work: Because genuine users generate it, UGC is regarded to be more authentic and trustworthy. It also creates a sense of community surrounding your brand.

How to Use them Effectively:

– Social Media Integration: Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media with a branded hashtag, and then feature this content on your landing page.
– Contests and Campaigns: Hold campaigns or contests to encourage customers to generate and share content about your business.
– Real-Time Feeds: Use real-time feeds of user-generated content to demonstrate active engagement.

Example: GoPro effectively uses UGC by featuring videos and photos captured by their customers, creating a vibrant community and authentic endorsement of their products.

gopro image

Image source GoPro

5. Expert endorsements

Definition: Expert endorsements are when industry professionals or influencers endorse your product or service.

Why They Work: Endorsements from acknowledged authority can add significant credibility to your brand, particularly in fields where expertise is highly valued.

How to Use them Effectively:

– Credibility: Make sure the expert’s endorsement is real and applicable to your industry.
– Visibility: Make expert endorsements conspicuous, perhaps with a separate area on your landing page.
– Details: Include quotations, videos, or articles from experts who have discussed your product.

Example: Many tech companies use endorsements from industry experts and influencers to build trust and credibility, showcasing these endorsements on their web pages and marketing materials.

dropbox image

Image source Dropbox

6. Social media mentions

Definition: Social media mentions occur when your brand is acknowledged or discussed on social media channels.

Why They Work: Social media mentions are real-time endorsements from your audience. They demonstrate the popularity and significance of your brand.

How to Use them Effectively:

– Widgets: Use social media widgets to show real-time mentions and interactions on your landing pages.
– Highlights: Display important mentions by influencers or delighted customers.
– Engagement: Encourage people to follow and participate with your social media pages.

Example: Brands like Starbucks frequently highlight social media mentions and interactions, showcasing their popularity and active engagement with customers.

starbucks image

Image source Starbucks

7. Client Logos and User Counts

Definition: Displaying your clients’ logos or mentioning the amount of people who utilize your product.

Why They Work: This type of social proof uses the power of numbers and respected companies to foster trust and credibility.

How to Use them Effectively:

– Prominence: Display client logos or user numbers near crucial sections such as CTAs.
– Reputation: Showcase well-known or industry-leading clientele to increase credibility.
– Updates: Make regular updates to reflect your growing user base.

Example: Slack’s home page features logos of well-known companies that use their product, along with impressive user statistics.

slack image

Image source Slack


In today’s competitive industry, including social proof on your landing pages is more than a tactic. You may build a more appealing and trustworthy user experience by strategically leveraging testimonials, reviews, case studies, user-generated content, expert endorsements, social media mentions, and client logos. Remember that authenticity is the key to successful social proof—all endorsements should be real and relevant to your target audience. By doing so, you’ll increase trust, credibility, and landing page conversions.