Best 10 Landing Page Optimization Practices for 2024

July 5, 2024

Anxhela Tomani

Anxhela Tomani


The virtual front doors to your company are landing pages. They can turn website visitors into leads, clients, and devoted supporters. However, not every landing page is made equally. Increase conversion rates and overall business performance by optimizing your landing pages.

The top 10 landing page optimization best practices for 2024 will be explained in this post, along with helpful hints for speed optimization.

Furthermore, LanderLab offers a simple solution for creating beautiful and converting landing pages.

  1. Create an Eye-Catching Headline

The first thing visitors notice is your headline. It should communicate the primary advantage of your offer and be convincing and direct. The likelihood that users will stay on your website can be greatly increased with an attention-grabbing headline. For example, consider “Boost Your Conversions with Our Landing Page Builder” rather than the standard “Welcome to Our Site.”

Tips for Crafting an Outstanding Headline:

  • Be Particular: Indicate exactly what the guest will receive.
  • Employ Numbers: “5 Ways to Increase Your Sales Today” is an example of a headline that often performs better than others.
  • Establish Urgency Promote quick action by using phrases like “Limited Time Offer.”

landerlab template

This template is available in LanderLab

2. Make Use of Visuals

Videos and pictures of the highest quality can draw viewers in and further explain your point. Since the brain processes visual content more quickly, it is an effective tool for engagement. Use images that strengthen your brand and go well with your content. Conversion rates might rise by up to 80% when a video is strategically positioned.

Tips for Visual Content:

  • Relevant: Verify that the pictures and videos accompany your content.
  • Quality: Professionally shot films and high-resolution photos make a good first impression.
  • Optimization: Make sure that videos and graphics load quickly.

restaurant template

This template is available in LanderLab

3. Good Copy

Your writing should be convincing and concise. Emphasize the advantages and worth of your proposal. Use bullet points and brief paragraphs to make your writing easier to read. Visitors can be convinced to do the required action using persuasive copywriting.

Copywriting Advice:

  • Emphasize Benefits: Describe how your offer makes the visitor’s life better or solves a problem.
  • Be Direct and clear: Steer clear of jargon and use plain English.
  • Incorporate Social Proof: References and endorsements help establish credibility and trust.

advertorial template

This template is available in LanderLab

4. Create a compelling call to action (CTA)

It all starts with your call to action (CTA). Use contrasting colors to draw attention to it and use wording that calls for action, such as “Get Started Now” or “Download Your Free Guide.” Your CTA’s layout and design have a big impact on conversion rates.

CTA Design Advice:

  • Visibility: Make sure it’s easy to see your CTA button.
  • Use verbs that compel action, such as “Join Now” or “Sign Up Today,” in action-oriented text.
  • Conduct A/B testing on several CTAs to determine which one works best.

ebook template

This template is available in LanderLab


5. Make Your Forms Simpler

Your form should be straightforward to complete if generating leads is your main objective. To decrease friction and boost submissions, only ask for the truly necessary information. A lengthy or complex form may turn away potential leads.

Tips for Form Optimization:

  • Few Fields: Please only request information that is required.
  • Inline Validation: Give users immediate feedback to ensure they are filling out forms accurately.
  • Explicit Directions: Make it apparent what data is required and why.

landing page form

This template is available in LanderLab


6. Make It Mobile-Friendly

Make sure your landing page works on mobile devices. An intuitive user experience requires a responsive design because more people are surfing on mobile devices. No matter what kind of device a consumer uses, a landing page optimized for mobile makes sure they get the best possible experience.

Tips for Landing Page Mobile Optimization:

  • Employ responsive design strategies to make sure your website appears well on all types of screens.
  • Quick Loading: To speed up loading times, minimize file sizes, and optimize images.
  • Simple Layout: Steer clear of complicated layouts that can be challenging to use on smaller devices.

landing page view optimization

This template is available in LanderLab

7. Boost the speed of loading

A page that loads slowly may turn people away. To assess and enhance the speed of your page, use resources such as Google PageSpeed Insights. In addition to enhancing user experience, faster sites also increase search engine rankings.

Tips for Optimizing Speed:

  • Utilize methods to minimize the size of image files without sacrificing quality.
  • Minify Code: To minimize file sizes, minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Make use of a content delivery network (CDN) to expedite the transmission of your material.


8. Make Short and Explicit URLs

Make clear, succinct URLs that contain the keywords you want to target. Use “” as an example rather than “” Simple URLs facilitate the sharing of your pages and enhance SEO.

Tips for URL Structure:

  • Add Keywords: Make sure your URL contains pertinent keywords.
  • Keep It Short: Shareable and readable URLs are shorter.
  • Steer clear of special characters: Limit your use to hyphens, digits, and letters.
  • Use a free URL shortener tool

free url shorten tool

Free URL shortener tool

9. Run A/B Experiments

You should absolutely A/B test landing pages to determine which performs the best. Try different combinations of headlines, graphics, copy, and CTAs to see what works best. You may enhance the performance of your landing page by making data-driven decisions with the use of continuous testing.

Advice for A/B Testing Landing Pages:

  • Test One Aspect at a Time: To precisely gauge the influence of each variable, concentrate on just one at a time.
  • Employ Appropriate Sample Sizes: Make sure your tests are long enough to collect relevant data.
  • Analyze outcomes: To monitor and evaluate test outcomes, use programs such as Google Optimize.

a/b testing landing pages

10. Make Use of Analytics Tools

Utilize programs like Hotjar and Google Analytics to monitor the effectiveness of your landing page. Track data like time on page, conversion rate, and bounce rate. These insights assist you in comprehending user behavior and pinpointing areas in need of development.

Analytics Advice:

  • Establish Goals: In your analytics tool, identify and monitor particular objectives.
  • Heatmaps: Use heatmaps to observe user behavior on your page, including where users click.
  • Session Recordings: View user session recordings to pinpoint issues.


In conclusion

To maximize conversions and accomplish your marketing objectives, you must optimize your landing pages. You can make landing pages that generate results by concentrating on the important components, adhering to SEO best practices, and iteratively testing and refining. Keep in mind that LanderLab provides all the resources you need to easily create and optimize high-converting landing pages, making the process of creating them smooth and effective. Start optimizing your landing pages with LanderLab and increase conversions!